The Lake Where You Live
I borrowed the headline from a poem by Janet Taliaferro, written in tribute to the late Rob Hagge, who passed away on Jan. 6.
Rapidly changing weather brings unsafe ice conditions
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is urging the public to practice ice safety on all of Wisconsin’s waterbodies and remember that no ice is safe ice.
Ice anglers can help prevent the spread of AIS
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and UW-Extension are asking anglers to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers while fishing this winter.
Fish Like a GIRL
“Hey! Why can’t you just be nice?” It’s usually a comment more than a question, and I cannot be the only bird watcher who has ever posed it to a “bully” bird outside the window.
The Lake Where You Live
It’s hard to think about spring when it’s zero degrees outside and your lake is nothing but a sheet of white.
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Free Fishing Weekend is here
Each year the Department of Natural Resources holds two Free Fishing Weekends. One takes place in June and the other is January. This year’s winter Free Fishing Weekend is Jan. 20-21.
The Lake Where You Live
As I write this (on Jan. 11) we’re awaiting a Canadian cold front with temperatures bottoming out at around minus 15, and that’s not considering wind chill.
Fish Like a GIRL
I have had many discussions lately about how to get kids, the next generation, into outdoor pursuits.
The Lake Where You Live
“Harold? You don’t need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.” — Lt. Kaffee to Lance Corporal Dawson in the movie “A Few Good Men.”
2024 Public Access Lands Atlas now available
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced the 2024 Public Access Lands Atlas is now available for purchase.
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Oneida County forestry committee OKs five-year outdoor recreation plan
Every five years, the county must update its Outdoor Recreation Plan in order to remain eligible for state and federal grants they may wish to utilize in completing projects.
Fish Like a GIRL
Is it just me, or do the years seem to go by faster the older we get? I always say the days go slow and the years go fast. But it seems as though they get faster.
The Lake Where You Live
Are kids or grandkids coming to your lake during the holidays? As I write this at 8 p.m. on Dec. 21, Sonya and Chad are on their way north in the car with grandsons Tucker and Perrin in the back seat. The boys will expect to go fishing.
Fish Like a GIRL
When I was a kid, of course we had a real Christmas tree. I don’t think I was even aware there were such things as artificial trees.
DNR approves master plan variances for state forest, scenic waters area
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved master plan variances at two state properties that will create additional ATV/UTV routes and trails within the areas. The variances apply to the Northern Highland – American Legion State Forest Master Plan and the Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area Master Plan.
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