The Lake Where You Live
It doesn’t cost much to get started ice fishing. When I bought my first gear several years ago, my only consideration was price. I bought a manual ice auger. Two of the cheapest rod-reel jigging combos I could find. Half a dozen jigs, a spool of orange-tinted four-pound-test line, three …
Legislators to hold public discussion on 2023 gun deer season Dec. 21 in Woodruff
State Representatives Rob Swearingen, Calvin Callahan, and Senator Mary Felzkowski are seeking public input regarding the 2023 gun deer hunting season in Wisconsin — including, but not limited to, the gray wolf impact on our deer population.
Oneida County co-sponsoring certified snowmobile safety courses in January
The Oneida County sheriff’s office and the School District of Rhinelander Community Education Program are co-sponsoring two Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) certified Snowmobile Safety Courses in January.
Fish Like a GIRL
By now, most readers know how I feel about pollinators. The cute little bugs and bees and butterflies that make most of our food possible are kind of fun to watch, besides providing us with food. But at this time of the year, we do not tend to think about …
Trout Lake Station’s Gretchen Gerrish sheds light on the importance of dark
During a recent Science on Tap event, Gretchen Gerrish of the Trout Lake Station spoke about the importance of darkness and her research involving bioluminescent ostracods.
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The Lake Where You Live
December 7: The mild days early this month are creating uncertainty about ice conditions. In my recent travels around the area I’ve seen signs of ice regressing on the larger lakes.
Fish Like a GIRL
The Christmas Bird Count from the Audubon Society kicks off next week. The Count runs from December 14 to January 5 every year. I participate in the Feeder Watch Program through the Cornell Lab and have been proactively getting better at identifying birds and learning about their behaviors and whatnot.
Practice ice safety on all waterbodies this winter
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is urging the public to practice ice safety on all of Wisconsin’s waterbodies and remember that no ice is safe ice.
Legislation aimed at Chronic Wasting Disease
With the nine-day gun deer hunt in the rearview mirror, some hunters may still be waiting on test results for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from their late season harvest.
Fish Like a GIRL
About 20 minutes ago, I was loading the boat and getting ready for the first tournament of the year. It seems that way, anyway. But here we are at the beginning of December.
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The Lake Where You Live
We’re just back from a Thanksgiving visit with daughter Sonya, son-in-law Chad, and grandsons Tucker and Perrin. We go to see them because Sonya’s work schedule as a chef precludes the visits to grandma’s house on the holiday.
DNR celebrates successful elk hunt for 2023
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is celebrating a successful elk hunting season. The state’s sixth elk hunting season opened Saturday, Oct. 14 and closed Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023, as a result of all four state licensed hunters filling their harvest authorizations.
2024 state park and forest annual admission stickers, trail passes available
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds the public that 2024 state park and forest annual admission stickers and trail passes are now on sale.
Fish Like a GIRL
It’s that time again! Time to pull out the blaze orange and keep traditions alive. Deer hunting, for the last several decades, has always meant the start of hunting to me.
Deer hunting season poses a risk for heart attacks
Deer hunting is not just a pastime but a cherished tradition for many outdoor enthusiasts. However, this exhilarating activity comes with physical challenges and potential health risks that every hunter must address to ensure their well-being in the great outdoors.
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