User groups will share woods, waters as hunting seasons start
The weather is still great for hiking, biking, and other silent sports such as kayaking. But September also marks the beginning of several hunting seasons.
Fish Like a GIRL
Yes, I am aware of the debate. Some people call themselves a “pet parent,” and other people find the term ridiculous. “They’re animals, not children!” Those people cry. Meh. Calm down. Honestly, if I have to ensure a being gets food, water, play, exercise and also that they are safe …
Bear hunting with dogs: tradition and controversy
Bear hunting with dogs is part of the heritage of Northern Wisconsin. While it is not without critics and contention, the fact remains that it is a legal means of hunting. It should be noted that there are laws against harassing a sportsman, and those interfering with a hunter’s legal …
The Lake Where You Live
My copy of “Lake Tides” arrived by mail last week with some bad news on the cover. Many readers of this column receive Lake Tides, the quarterly newsletter from Extension Lakes at the UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. It’s an excellent publication that covers all manner of topics related …
Stafsholt calls for audit of fish and wildlife account as deficit looms
Earlier this year, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced it would have a $16 million deficit in the Fish and Wildlife Account by the year 2026. The announcement prompted considerable concern.
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Fish Like a GIRL
I am ready for fall. I have had enough of the heat and I’m ready for fall hoodies and a big old pot of venison chili. I still look forward to hunting season, even if I don’t get out as much as I used to.
WBTT anglers end regular season on Manitowish Waters Chain
The last stop of the regular season for the WBTT was the Manitowish Waters Chain. Teams started out the year on Lake Mohawksin in Tomahawk with a mostly smallmouth tournament. From there they went to Lake Nokomis in June, with their third event held on Boom Lake in Rhinelander last …
Natural Resources Board hears update on plans to revisit Deer Management Units
At the August meeting of the Natural Resources Board, Scott Karel, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildlife policy specialist, asked the panel for approval of a public hearing notice regarding Deer Management Units (DMUs).
Fish Like a GIRL
Anniversaries are always fun as they are a time to look back on what has been accomplished and ahead at what is to come. There are a few big ones that are here and coming up. The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation turns 75 years old this year. I am an associate …
Upper Midwest Bass Challenge Series anglers take on Boom Lake in regular season finale
Twenty-nine teams took on Boom Lake on Aug. 11 in post-cold front conditions, all hoping to bring in the heaviest bag of five fish by the time weigh-in started at 3 p.m.
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The Lake Where You Live
In 2023-24 we largely dispensed with winter. Hardly any snow fell. The snowmobile trails never opened. The ice here on Birch Lake never got much more than a foot thick. I fished on many days in temperatures above freezing. The ice went out on the middle of March — highly …
Tiny Home Project making progress
Tammy Javenkoski, a member of the Northwoods Veterans Homestead (NVH) Board of Directors, accepts a donation check from Aaron Schultz, owner of Big Daddy’s Bar in Rhinelander, for the Northwoods Veterans Homestead project.
Fish Like a GIRL
The answer is yes. It is too hot for me to fish. However, fortunately for me, I have a tournament schedule that makes me get out on the water, no matter how hot it is.
YMCA holds annual fall plant sale
The YMCA of the Northwoods’ Active Older Adult Department is getting ready for its annual fall plant sale. Beautiful mums in 8” pots can be ordered for $14 and come in yellow, rust or purple variations along with a special tri-colored mum for $18, according to a YMCA press release. …
RPD issues sex offender release notification
The Rhinelander Police Department has announced that convicted sex offender Matthew A. Walker, 32, will be released to Community Supervision, as administered by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, on Sept. 3.
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