Fish Like a GIRL
About a month ago I joined a gym. I have never been a gym-goer, per se. In fact, the only time I ever went with any regularity was shortly after my late husband Rod was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he was in the Strong Bones, Strong Bodies Program.
The Lake Where You Live
On Saturday morning Birch Lake lay covered in virginal white, not a mark on the fresh snow except a few hoofmarks of deer and a straight-line string tracks of what might have been a fox.
DNR seeks nominations for ethical hunter award
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting award nominations for the 2024 Wisconsin Ethical Hunter Award. Nominees are selected based on exceptional moral actions and character while out in the field. Established in 1997, the award recognizes a hunter whose action is symbolic of Wisconsin’s hunting heritage. This honor …
Oneida County forestry committee hears RASTA update, approves contract
Laura MacFarland spoke to the Oneida County forestry committee on Dec. 10 regarding the Rhinelander Area Silent Sports Association’s (RASTA’s) accomplishments during the 2024 work season. RASTA contracts with the county to build and maintain silent sports trails throughout the county, mostly on county-owned lands. The club is responsible for …
Deer Management Unit revisions get a second look
In recent months, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) made some preliminary revisions to the Deer Management Units (DMUs) in the Northern Forest Zone. This change was spurred on by deer hunters in the Northern Zone, primarily a vocal group in Oneida and Vilas Counties.
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Fish Like a GIRL
A few weeks ago, I took a look forward into all the exciting things 2025 has to offer. This week, I thought I would take a look back at the past year and all of the ups and downs it had to offer. I of course cannot cover an entire …
RHS December Students of the month
The RHS December Student of the month ceremony was held at the RHS Library Thursday, Dec. 19. Guests and students enjoyed treats provided by Taher Food Service. The event was emceed by principal Shane Dornfeld.
The Lake Where You Live
It’s hard to envision a bleaker landscape than a frozen, snow-covered lake. And yet, under that expanse of white lies a world still teeming with life. You know that especially if you’ve ever drilled a hole in the ice, sent a jig down to near the bottom, felt a twitch …
Plan a winter free fishing weekend clinic, Jan. 18-19
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites clubs and organizations to host free fishing clinics on Winter Free Fishing Weekend, Jan. 18-19, 2025.
Natural Resources Board approves changes to Deer Management Assistance Program
The Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) is a program through the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that helps private land owners to manage their property for deer and other wildlife.
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Fish Like a GIRL
Last week I talked about field guides and journals as gifts or state park or state trail passes. This week, I wanted to go a little more “adventure-y,” if you will. A little more toward the survivalist-type of gear.
The Lake Where You Live
On Saturday morning Birch Lake lay covered in virginal white, not a mark on the fresh snow except a few hoofmarks of deer and a straight-line string tracks of what might have been a fox.
Snowmobile safety course offered in Rhinelander Jan. 6-7
The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office and the School District of Rhinelander Community Education Program are co-sponsoring a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) certified Snowmobile Safety Course in January.
Fish Like a GIRL
I was thinking about Christmas, and what types of things are usually on the wish lists of outdoorsmen and women. A good friend of mine’s wife bought him a Garmin watch for Christmas. She gave it to him early. I guess, like me, maybe she has a hard time keeping …
The Lake Where You Live
Every year I watch the ice form here on Birch Lake, and every year it happens differently. Sometimes the ice gradually creeps out from the shoreline, and an entire sheet takes shape over several days.
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