Invasive Species Control Coalition of Watersmeet to hold 2025 Musky Fishing Expo
The Invasive Species Control Coalition of Watersmeet (ISCCW) will hold their second annual Musky Fishing Expo from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, at the Northern Waters Casino Event Center in Watersmeet, Mich. The event doors open at 9 a.m.
The Lake Where You Live
Near sunset while fishing a favorite Northwoods lake, I noticed what looked like some sort of duck floating in the distance, gradually making its way toward my boat. Between casts, this shape kept drawing closer.
2025 ice shanty removal deadline March 16 for all state waters
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds ice anglers of the following deadlines to remove their permanent ice shanties, or those that aren’t removed daily, on inland and boundary waters.
DNR now hiring state park system seasonal staff
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now hiring seasonal staff for Wisconsin’s state parks, forests, trails and recreation areas. This unique and rewarding opportunity allows you to utilize your skills or discover new ones.
State to update Wildlife Management Strategic Plan
The Wildlife Management Program of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is in the process of revising their Wildlife Management Strategic Plan, a process which began in January of 2024. The window for public comment closes after today, so those looking to make comment should do so today.
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The Lake Where You Live
February 22. It’s a Saturday mild enough for ice fishing, but first I have to shovel eight inches of snow off the stairs down to the lake — 57 of them. The work is easy; the shovel neatly sweeps the light powder off each step.
Annual Fishing and Faith seminar in Rhinelander March 1
The Christian Musky Fellowship Club is excited to host its annual Fishing and Faith seminar on Saturday, March 1, at Trinity Lutheran Church at 235 N. Stevens Street in Rhinelander. The event is free to attend with a suggested goodwill offering of $5 to support the Rhinelander Food Pantry.
2022 - 2024 Invasive Species Report released by Department of Natural Resources
Recently the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released the 2022-24 Invasive Species Report highlighting the work that has been done on both aquatic and terrestrial invasive species in the state, including efforts to stop organisms in trade.
The Lake Where You Live
I know, I wrote about loons just last week. I hope you’ll forgive me if I have them in mind during these waning days of February, when the ice leaving the lakes and the loons returning is no longer a far-off fantasy.
Oneida County looking for citizen member to serve on conservation and UW-Extension committee
The Oneida County land and water conservation department is looking for a citizen member to serve on the conservation and UW-Extension education (CUW) committee for a two-year term.
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Now is a good time to plan next summer’s lake projects
Each year, riparian landowners across the Northwoods take steps to keep their lakes healthy. Healthy lakes are good for all of the organisms who live in them, including fish. With fishing being a billion-plus dollar industry every year in Wisconsin, keeping fisheries healthy and productive is big business.
Lions club hosts 49th annual Fisheree
The Rhinelander Lions Club continued a winter tradition last weekend, hosting the 49th annual Fisheree ice fishing contest Saturday, Feb. 8 on Boom Lake. According to the club’s Facebook page, the results are as follows:
The Lake Where You Live
We haven’t heard a loon’s call for a while unless we’ve played a video online. If you’re like me, once in a while you think about what the loons are up to in their winter territories. In particular, I wonder what they’re eating and how they find food in places …
OVTC bus involved in Minocqua accident
There were no serious injuries as the result of a three-vehicle accident at the intersection of U.S. Highway 51 and County Highway J on Friday, Feb. 7. Even so, the driver of a Northwoods Transit Connections bus, owned by the Oneida Vilas Transit Commission (OVTC), was taken to a hospital …
Oneida County gets grant from DNR for water protection project
Oneida County hosts the #1 (Little Rice River Watershed) and #3 (Headwaters-Willow River Watershed) healthiest watersheds in the state. In fact, of the 42 watersheds located in Oneida County, 19 are among the healthiest in Wisconsin.
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