Hunter, boater, and ATV safety courses offered this spring/summer
The Oneida County sheriff’s office and the School District of Rhinelander’s community education program are co-sponsoring Wisconsin DNR certified hunter, boater, and ATV safety courses.
Hardwater Hodags compete at state
On Saturday Feb. 17 the Hardwater Hodags High School Ice Fishing Team participated in the Wisconsin Interscholastic Ice Fishing Association (WIFA) state tournament.
Fish Like a GIRL
I would be remiss if I did not mention that this week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week.
St. Germain opens select ATV trails in attempt to salvage winter tourism
On Feb. 12 the St. Germain Town Board voted unanimously to open select ATV/UTV trails in an attempt to mitigate damage done to the Northwoods tourism economy by one of the warmest, driest winters in living memory.
Climbing temps mean more ATV/UTVs on the roads
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is urging users of all recreational vehicles to be mindful of safety in this year’s changing conditions when operating throughout the state.
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County land & water conservation committee considers PFAS, enhanced wake resolutions
The Oneida County land and water conservation committee delved into a pair of hot-button issues during its February meeting — PFAS and enhanced wakes.
Poster Contest Winners
The Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Department held a reception for the winners of its environmental poster contest Monday, Feb. 19 at the Oneida County Courthouse.
The Lake Where You Live
This lake country we live in includes two Great Lakes, each within a reasonable driving distance. I’m a Lake Michigan boy, but I find something even more captivating about Lake Superior.
Nicolet College to host Musky Seminar
Final details are in place for the Outdoor Adventure program’s annual Musky Seminar at Nicolet College, to be held on March 23 and April 6, 2024.
Fish Like a GIRL
Whether it is a tackle bag, a tackle box or a whole boat, this is the time of year when we, as anglers, go through everything we carried around all year last year.
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The Lake Where You Live
I’ve enjoyed good fishing for bluegills this winter, and as I’ve pulled them up through the Birch Lake ice I’ve been struck by their simple beauty.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces national recovery plan for gray wolves
Over the last two decades, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has repeatedly indicated the gray wolf is no longer in need of protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Verified wolf threat in Arbor Vitae
Early Monday morning Nick Krueger was awakened by his hunting dogs barking outside.
The Lake Where You Live
I can’t claim not to enjoy this (so far) incredibly mild winter after the way the season beat us into abject submission well into April last year. But this winter is definitely weird, especially as it relates to life on my lake, and probably yours.
Fish Like a GIRL
Groundhog Day! It always reminds me of the movie with Bill Murray. Lately the weather has been reminiscent of that as well. Still too warm.
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