The Lake Where You Live
The fishing season’s opening day started cool and rainy. If you’re like me you don’t feel obligated to fish on the opener; on such a day I chose to stay on land.
Oneida County Deer Advisory Council recommends fewer antlerless tags
The Oneida County Deer Advisory Council met at the Woodruff Town Hall last week to make a recommendation as to the number of antlerless tags that will be made available for the 2024 deer season.
The Lake Where You Live
Presentations at last month’s Wisconsin Lakes Convention put a fine point on the value of natural shorelines.
Conditions appear favorable as fishing season begins
This weekend marks the opening of another fishing season across the State of Wisconsin. For many anglers, Saturday morning will bring that highly anticipated first trip out on the water since boats were winterized and put away last fall.
Hodag Sports Club receives Club of the Year award from Wisconsin Wildlife Federation
The Hodag Sports Club was founded in 1946 by a group of diehard fishermen. The original purpose of the club was to secure easements for boat landings around the Rhinelander area, thereby creating more access for anglers.
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The Lake Where You Live
Phosphorus is the main cause of excess growth of vegetation and algae blooms in our lakes. But where does the phosphorus (chemical symbol P) come from?
Oneida County ATV/UTV trail system now open
The Oneida County ATV/UTV Trail System (as administered by the Oneida County forestry, land and recreation department) officially opened for the 2024 spring, summer, fall season, on Wednesday, May 1.
Fish Like a GIRL
With only one week left to the opening of fishing season, I realized the other day that I need to get to work on my tackle bag, reels and everything else I need to kick off the season.
The Lake Where You Live
Another DNR research project provides evidence that wood in the water is a key to healthy lake fisheries.
Minocqua Chain will likely see tribal harvest one year before ‘handshake’ opener planned
For the second year in a row the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians has declared it will allow tribal spearing on the Minocqua Chain.
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The Lake Where You Live
In one of his essays the naturalist Aldo Leopold wrote, “And when the dawn wind stirs through the ancient cottonwoods, and the gray light steals down from the hills over the old river sliding softly past its wide brown sand bars — what if there be no more goose music?”
DNR: Elevated fire danger continues across Wisconsin
Outside of rain earlier this week, very little precipitation is forecasted for the Northwoods over the course of the next several days.
Governor vetoes bucks-only bill for Northern hunters
With last fall’s deer harvest down almost 30% in the Northern Forest from 2022 and over 19% from the five-year average, many hunters in the Northwoods have expressed grave concern about the deer herd.
The Lake Where You Live
One way to observe Easter Sunday is by going to church to celebrate the Resurrection. I have another ritual of renewal that I have observed for many years, no matter where we’ve lived.
DNR needs volunteer hunter education instructors
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking volunteers passionate about promoting safe, responsible and ethical hunting practices to serve as hunter education instructors. Volunteer opportunities are available in all parts of the state, the agency announced in a press release.
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