Deceiving Granny
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Deceiving Granny
"Deceiving Granny," the Rhinelander High School Drama Department's spring production has two shows remaining: 7 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday at the RHS auditorium. Two separate casts are performing the comedy. ABOVE: Drake (played by Ben Kubisiak) taken into custody by Officer Tina (Lindsay Gignac) in the home of newlyweds Sam (Jordan Keso) and Margaret (Erin Bloom) Howard during Wednesday's performance. Other characters pictured include Courtney (Katie Harder), Kelsey (Jane Kubisiak), Rob (Adam Bloom), Pete (Mitchel Modic) and the Old Lady (Brittany Bredeson). BELOW: Kelsey (Samantha Bullard), Margaret (Bethany Stelbrink), Sam (Jordan Keso) and Rob (Seth Bowen), play hot potato with a steaming bowl of pasta during Tuesday's performance.