Public comments available for DNR draft wolf management plan
Over 3,500 public comments have been received regarding the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) draft wolf management plan. (subscriber access)
Wake boats, AIS among highlights of upcoming lake meeting
Lake group leaders and members from six northern Wisconsin counties will convene for a discussion of the environmental impacts of wake boats, lead poisoning of loons, aquatic invasive species prevention and other lake issues on Friday, July 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Nicolet College in Rhinelander.
Enroll now in hunter education courses
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is encouraging the public to prepare for the 2023 hunting seasons by enrolling in a hunter safety course.
The Lake Where You Live
As you watch loons peacefully paddling around your lake, have you ever wondered what scientists have to do to capture, band and monitor them for research? (subscriber access)
Fish Like a GIRL
If there is one thing I can say about the Wisconsin fishing scene at present it's that there are no shortages of tournaments to try. (subscriber access)
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Comments on proposed wolf management plan are now available online
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released a compilation of all public comments received on the proposed Wolf Management Plan. The comments were received during the public comment period from Nov. 10, 2022 through Feb. 28, 2023 and are available on the DNR's Wolf Management Plan webpage, the …
The Lake Where You Live
The winter seems finally to have broken. That means the Birch Lake ice will be on the wane, and before long walleyes will prowl the gravelly shallows along our shoreline, males and females, about to produce a new generation. (subscriber access)
Public comment period open for 2023 deer season
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has opened up a public comment period for interested stakeholders for the 2023 deer season. Online public input can be made via a link on the DNR website. (subscriber access)
Clean Boats, Clean Waters virtual trainings offered in the Northwoods
With the growing concern of aquatic invasive species (AIS) threatening the health of our Northwoods water resources, many lake residents and other concerned citizens are looking for ways to protect the lakes they love.
The Lake Where You Live
Every lake association or other lake group has a purpose. Call it a mission statement, call it a vision, call it what you will; it articulates the organizations' reason for being, what the group hopes to accomplish and why that matters. (subscriber access)
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Fish Like a GIRL
Between the time I write this and it hits the Outdoors section, another big winter storm is expected, especially for the Northwoods. (subscriber access)
Enroll now in hunter education courses
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages the public to prepare for the 2023 hunting seasons by enrolling in a hunter safety course.
2023 Great Backyard Bird Count results are in
Each February, birders from around the world take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count, organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This year, there were over 555,000 participants in the birding adventure. (subscriber access)
The Lake Where You Live
The Birch Lake Bar and resort holds an annual contest in predicting the date for ice-out. Around 100 yards off shore, easily visible through the expansive windows behind the bar, a dummy sits on a chair. (subscriber access)
Community education program to host 'Dissecting Your Walleye Waters'
The School District of Rhinelander Community Education Program is offering a seminar for anglers in April.
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