DNR releases statewide drought resource webpage
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced the recent launch of a Drought Resource webpage as a new public source for information related to the drought conditions experienced by 82% of the state.
Public comment period now open for proposed permanent wolf rule
Scott Karel, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) policy specialist, appeared before the state Natural Resources Board (NRB) in August to review the gray wolf harvest rule.
UMBCS anglers fish on dangerously low Willow Flowage
It is no secret that water levels on the Willow Flowage vary over the course of the summer, but neither organizers or anglers expected the flowage to be over eight feet low by the morning of July 30 when the Upper Midwest Bass Challenge Series (UMBCS) tournament commenced.
What is in the water, besides fish?
Several recent talks, studies and webinars have focused on the various chemicals and compounds that are found in Wisconsin waters and their varying effects on fish.
The Lake Where You Live
We know about the annual migration of loons, of ducks and other waterfowl, of monarch butterflies, even the movements of fish within out lakes at different times of year.
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The Lake Where You Live
I can’t remember how old I was when I first caught a fish on an artificial bait. I don’t even remember the kind lure or the species of fish.
Fish Like A GIRL: Garden Fest brings an afternoon of fun
I had an opportunity this year to not only attend Garden Fest at Seasons of Life, but to have an educational booth at the event.
Wisconsin Bass Team Trail anglers fish Lake Nokomis
The third stop on the Wisconsin Bass Team Trail (WBTT), presented by Arbor Vitae Marine, took place July 17 at Lake Nokomis.
Fish Like a GIRL
Last week, I had an opportunity to teach a stream camp we call Riparian Rangers. My friend Linda and I took five kids to a small local stream to gather some data and check out the critters that live there. I took my WAV Stream Monitoring gear along and we …
The Lake Where You Live
All things by immortal power, near of far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star. — Francis Thompson
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Invasive Species Road Show July 28 at pollinator garden
Are you wondering if a plant in your yard is native, invasive or beneficial to pollinators? Do you have purple loosestrife on your property that you can’t get rid of? Are you curious if the snails along your shoreline are harmful or invasive? Wonder no longer! Bring a fresh sample …
Wisconsin Bow Hunters Association files petition with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist wolves
According to the Wisconsin Bear Hunters’ Association website, the organization has joined with other national and Midwest groups to petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in the Great Lakes Region.
Fish Like a GIRL
We all know the saying about things we do not forget how to do, “it is just like riding a bike.” To which I normally answer, “once you fall off, you always fall off.” But luckily that was not the case with my recent adventure. Truth be told, I had …
The Lake Where You Live
It’s hard to avoid learning about loons; so many articles are written about them, so many pictures shown, videos created, websites posted. But if you really want to take a deep dive into loon knowledge, I have the place for you.
Minocqua walleye scope statement emergency rule comes to NRB
A preliminary public hearing was held last month for the emergency rule regarding walleye harvest on the Minocqua chain. However, there were no attendees at that meeting, according to Meredith Penthorn of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
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