March 4, 2025 at 5:30 a.m.
Billionaire blunder?
To the Editor:
Elon Musk intends to buy Wisconsin. Big money contributions bypass identification. Reporters think at least $1 million of Musk’s money supports Brad Schimel in our Supreme Court race. But Musk’s wonderkids are naïve. Funding an attack ad on Schimel’s opponent, they goofed, posting a Harvard professor’s photo with the same name. Rookie kids telling you how to vote in Wisconsin’s judicial election!
When Musk takes control of Wisconsin, will he cut federal money for rusting bridges, rural hospitals, elder and prenatal health care, respect for the outdoors, Tribal relationships, and worst of all — leadership in higher ed research and development? Wisconsin, along with many business partners, is a world leader in medicine, agriculture, information technology and heavy manufacturing. Go ahead, Musk, gut the labs, experts and infrastructure; then step in and take over the remains.
To those silent: we all support a range of political candidates — that’s democracy. But you can’t be quiet when things go off the rails. Honor your kids’ and grandkids’ future. Elected officials who supported ‘President Coolidge 2.0’ and his love for Musk’s antics cannot be silent now. Buttercup, don’t let me down.
Jim DiUlio
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