February 21, 2025 at 5:30 a.m.
No more Marxist school taxes!
To the Editor:
There is no such thing as “free public education.” It certainly is not an American notion.
As enunciated in 1848 Germany by Karl Marx, free public education was a key plank of ten in the Kommunist Manifesto. Marx, a mlacontent German Jew, realized that there would always be more haves than have-nots.
The School District of Rhinelander relies on this concept in its never-ending begging at the polls to support their latest tax.
The district shrewdly schemes to get the have-nots into the frame of mind of a free supposedly-failed education.
They don’t even stop at the concoction of outdoor balloon playgrounds, since it’s all free anyway.
So, do I think the latest tax-grab will pass? Of course, it will! But vote “no” anyway just to let the eternal taxers know that somewhere out in the shrinking land of the successful there is still a murmur of discontent among the natives of means.
Vote “no” just in case sanity surfaces in Rhinelander.
Dr. Marlan Beilke
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