July 26, 2024 at 5:30 a.m.
Reader asserts lawmakers’ inaction on Lincoln Hills a missed opportunity for positive change
To the Editor:
Your July 12 headline “Lawmakers warned Lincoln Hills was tragedy ‘waiting to happen,’” should have read “Lawmakers warned Lincoln Hills was tragedy ‘waiting to happen,’ and then waited for it to happen.” These two are practitioners of the Saul Alinsky school of social change. You remember when Alinsky was demonized by many folks like these two, because his teaching included, “never let a tragedy go to waste.” The difference between these two and Alinsky is that he advocated using the tragedy for positive social change, like getting crossing lights installed at a dangerous railroad crossing after a car-train wreck. These two sat on their hands, and now piously say, “We warned you.” When the courts prohibited the use of certain inhumane methods of control, these two could have easily said, “This is Wisconsin, we can find and practice more humane techniques, including funding an adequate number of staff, and training them in non-violent techniques.” But no! They chose to do nothing and now try to make political hay out of this tragic loss of life.
Jim Leschke
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