October 20, 2023 at 5:50 a.m.
Safari Club International donates to NYDHC
The Safari Club International recently donated $1,000 to the Northwoods Youth Deer Hunt Challenge. The Safari Club International has been a leader in defending the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation worldwide for 50 years.
What sets the Safari Club International apart from other organizations is the scope of its ability to defend and advance the freedom to hunt. SCI is the only hunting rights organization with a Washington D.C.-based national and international advocacy team.
The professional advocates of Safari Club International advocate for hunters in many ways. They make hunters’ voices heard in state legislatures, the U.S. Congress and to the U.S. Administration. This network of advocate tackles a wide variety of issues including state predator management, traditional ammunition use, Sunday hunting legislation and even trophy import bans.
Safari Club International is comprised of 146 chapters and an affiliate network the represents millions of hunters across the world. Safari Club International has a sister organization, The SCI Foundation, that is dedicated to conservation projects. The Foundation supports research and wildlife management as well as community leadership in not only North America, but also in Africa and Central Asia.
The group has also been a major defender of hunters in courtrooms across the United States. It has been involved in litigation of dozens of cases involving both domestic and international hunting-related issues. The group has also filed seven U.S. Supreme Court briefs on wildlife law.
The Safari Club International, through their Advocacy Action Center, has been able to support education and outreach on issues affecting hunters from the local to national and even international levels.
The group holds what has been called the world’s ultimate sportsmen’s market in the SCI Annual Hunters’ Convention. The convention celebrates hunting freedoms with the world’s premier outfitters, hunting celebrities and others.
“Hunting access in the United States and around the world takes many forms; no matter what, where, or how you hunt, SCI defends your freedom to do it as we stand First for Hunters,” the organization said in a recent communication.
Beckie Gaskill may be reached via email at [email protected].
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