October 6, 2023 at 5:55 a.m.
Student Spotlight: Kaden Vanney
This article is the latest in a monthly series in association with Rhinelander Partners in Education.
To ensure they are prepared for a future that will include paying bills and sticking to a budget, the School District of Rhinelander requires all students to take a personal money management course before graduation.
“It offers me a chance to aid my future and to look into what I want to do with my life in my career path.”
Kaden Vanney, RHS student and bank teller, on the RHS Youth Apprenticeship Program
However, RHS senior Kaden Vanney is taking his personal finance education one step further by working as a teller at Nicolet National Bank.
As part of his job, Vanney handles deposits and withdrawals from customers. In addition, he regularly goes to business meetings with his mother, Amy, at places like the Rhinelander Rotary Club.
In addition to his job, Vanney also participates in a program called “Real People, Real Conversations” with the Vice President of Nicolet Bank.
He first heard about the Youth Apprenticeship Program through his mother, who manages the Rhinelander branch of Nicolet National Bank. From there, he talked with RHS counselor Lexi Allen.
This led to a position as a teller.
“A couple of my friends asked if they have other opportunities,” he noted. “I talked Ms. Allen about that to see if there’s any more for them, too.”
Naturally, because of his banking job, his understanding of money matters has increased significantly. With every paycheck he receives, he has started to save money for college and to manage his spending habits.
“Before this job,” Vanney explained, “I didn’t know you needed a deposit slip, and now I know what I need to have to make withdrawals and what I need to bring to open an account. I think that definitely helped me a lot.”
When he’s not at his job, Vanney is involved with his school’s baseball team and RHS’s Senior Spike volleyball program. Even so, he is able to manage his time between these activities, his job, and his school work.
“I leave school early to go to work,” Vanney said. “and then the bank closes at 5:30, so that gives me plenty of time just to do homework and other school work.”
“It offers me a chance to aid my future and look into what I want to do with my life in my career path,” he added.
Vanney intends to pursue a career in health administration. As part of this, he will be job shadowing the president of Aspirus to learn more about this field. After graduating high school, Kaden intends to go to UW-Madison to get a four-year degree in business. In addition, he will be taking an 18-month online course in health administration.
Thanks to the Youth Apprenticeship Program, Vanney has gained a wide variety of opportunities to benefit himself. From personal finance and business to health administration, skills gained from the program will aid him in his future career.
RHS students interested in participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Program should contact counselor Lexi Allen.
Jake Schexnaydre may be reached at [email protected].
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