March 30, 2023 at 11:55 a.m.
Who gets to have a voice?
Oneida County supervisors don't want to hear from residents that don't own property. A hearing about revisions to the Oneida County Shoreland Protection Ordinance was scheduled for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29. Before the hearing the Planning and Development Committee will discuss public participation in the hearing.
The agenda for the prehearing meeting included an item listed as "Only allowing constituents who are residents and property tax payers of Oneida County" to speak at the hearing. I understand local governments have broad control over how they run meetings but how can there be a "public" hearing when they only want to listen to some of the "public".
This harkens back to the early years of the USA when only landed white men were allowed to vote. I hope the voters of Oneida County that don't have a property tax bill to display remember this the next time they vote for county supervisor.
Bill Jaeger
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