March 20, 2023 at 2:03 p.m.
Status quo vs. progress in Monico
Growing up, we would travel north to our place on Squash Lake by way of Monico on U.S. Highway 45. It wasn't much of a town in the early '60s. And sorry to say, nothing has really changed except for the reconstructed intersection of 8 and 45. No growth in 60 years. No development. No nothing. It's still a place you pass through on your way to somewhere else. Like Sugar Camp, it's not a destination.
In all the arguments back and forth over the Pelican River Forest easement controversy, I think the County and the Town of Monico have lost sight of what will be lost by advocating the status quo.
The lands are and will be in Managed Forest Land. No change in tax base there. But without the easements, there are no ATV/UTV or snowmobile trails and no open, maintained, recreational roads. Senator Felzkowski says they can open them up now if they wanted. What's the incentive to open up private lands? None. The owners are not obliged to open them without the assurances that come from easements. The Senator, County Chair Scott Holewinski (Sugar Camp) and County Supervisor Briggs (Monico) are angry because the DNR only gave the towns 30 days notice.
Thirty (30) days might not be much time, but at least the state followed the law. When Senator Felzkowski objected to the project, her committee was required to schedule a hearing to discuss the grant. Nearly four months later, no hearing has been scheduled. Briggs and Holewinski, meanwhile, threw an epic temper tantrum.
Those three have orchestrated a hostage situation: "Give us what we want, or no deal." Well, news flash. They are not interested in negotiating. They just like bullying. To get their way, misinformation is being spread. And who loses? The Town of Monico. The land is in new hands. It is still and will be a working forest with or without the easements. So for now, nothing changes. Status quo. Monico remains a place you pass through on your way to somewhere more interesting. But with the easements, there is the prospect of development. Monico could be a trailhead for ATV/UTV and snowmobiling. And that comes with all the support businesses and development geared toward outdoor activities. The easements ensure the lands are managed in a way that generates revenue from timber and from recreation. The easements ensure the forest stays contiguous to support wildlife habitat that becomes threatened when large tracts are broken up. With proper planning around the Pelican River Forest, Monico could become an outdoor recreation destination with maintained recreational roads.
Here's the choice. Keep the status quo because you're having a tantrum, and Monico remains stuck in time in arrested development. It remains a place you have to pass through to get to somewhere else. Or look beyond your petty grievances, Ms. Felzkowski, Mr. Holewinski, and Mr. Briggs, and make this project happen.
Dan Butkus
Crescent and Waunakee
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