March 2, 2023 at 8:49 a.m.
Spring hearings take different format
Online input as well as in-person open house format
For the last two years, due to the pandemic, the spring hearings had gone virtual, as had so many other events. This caused issues, however, with the election of WCC delegates. By rule, those delegates must be voted for in person, and only be residents of the county in which the delegate is running. Without in-person hearings, no delegates could be elected. This year, however, an hybrid format meeting will allow for delegates to run, and be voted for, for those two-year terms where terms have expired.
During the spring hearings each year, the public is asked to weigh in on any number of items concerning the state's natural resources. Questions look for support for various rule changes in fish and wildlife regulations. Citizens, too, can propose resolutions, as long as they follow certain guidelines.
Resolutions will be accepted from citizens each year, which is the first step to getting a resolution passed statewide. The resolutions must be of statewide impact and must be practical, achievable and reasonable. Other criteria include the resolution being within the mission and vision of the WCC, they must suggest a solution to the concern or a description of further action desired. Current state statutes and laws be considered as well, and reasonable cause must be shown for changing a statute. Citizen resolutions were accepted from February 15 to March 1. Those that pass in their county of origin will continue on in the process and possibly head to the full state questionnaire as early as next year. Regulations have been changed through this process in the past, and likely will again. It is one opportunity for sportsmen and women to weigh in on matters of concern to them.
This year, across the state, open houses will be held from April 3-6, with each county choosing a date and time that works for their WCC delegates. More information about those dates and times will be presented here in this Outdoors section as it becomes available. The spring hearings questionnaire itself will be available online only again this year. It will be open for input starting at noon on April 10, 2023 and will remain open for 72 hours, closing at noon on April 13, 2023.
More information about the spring hearings, as well as the proposed rule changes and advisory questions, can be found on the DNR website by searching "spring hearings."
Beckie Gaskill may be reached via email at [email protected].
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