June 15, 2023 at 11:35 a.m.
Newbold community center project update
Town board also discusses new Facebook page, town logo and website update
By Trevor Greene-
He said everything is on time and the project is within its budget.
Reading from an email he received from project manager Devin Flanigan with the construction firm Keller Inc., Hess said the concrete has been poured and the exterior sidewalks are planned to be completed in the fall prior to paving the asphalt.
"Currently, the building is being framed and is anticipated to be completed in the upcoming weeks," he continued. "Next step, masonry and windows will be completed by July 4."
Hess added he's been keeping track of the building's total budget, such as how much the town has spent and what funds are still left in a contingency fund.
Right now, he said, $350,000 has been expended, which is the first and only draw on the $1.5 million loan the town is using to finance the project. Additional costs will be covered using funds the town received from the federal American Rescue Plan Act program and donations, among other funding sources.
Hess said the town has a total of nearly $1.87 million available for the project.
"The total cost should be around $1.8 million," he said.
Hess indicated he would like Flanigan to attend the town's next board meeting to "discuss a few things." He mentioned there was a $50,000 allowance for furniture and a $5,000 allowance for windows when Keller came in with the bids.
"And I need to talk to Devin and see if that's actually in the budget or if that's an additional add-on at the end," Hess said. "But contingency was set at $150,000."
Town supervisor Mike McKenzie said he believes the construction firm included those costs in the budget. He also suggested the town purchase the furniture instead of Keller to save some money.
Town clerk Kim Gauthier noted how she believes there will be a parking issue, "especially now, seeing all the vehicles and things like that."
"So if we can still keep that (in mind) at some strategic point in this process as a consideration item," she said. "I just don't think there will be enough parking."
Fundraising outreach, new town logo and Facebook page
Town supervisor Petra Pietrzak distributed a draft design of a postcard the town board plans to send to its residents as a mailer.
It includes a quick response (QR) code which would direct the community to the town's website for next steps in donating to the community center.
There was also a QR code included that would direct residents to the town's new Facebook page.
After discussion, board members indicated there are still minor details needing to be worked out with the QR code, its Facebook page and the town website.
Hess noted he believes there hasn't been a major update to the town's website in over 20 years.
Additionally, Pietrzak compiled and presented 11 different possibilities for the town's new logo. No action or decision was taken in that regard, as Hess said he believes the town should include its residents in choosing one.
"This is their town," he said.
The topics were tabled for the board's next meeting and Hess asked board members to brainstorm and bring with them to that meeting ideas for a town slogan.
Other matters
The town board at its June 8 meeting also approved:
• A resolution in opposition of Assembly Bill 289 related to emailing assessment notices.
• Authorized the town's director of public works Mark Fetzer to repair a town front-end loader for under $2,500.
• Authorized Fetzer to apply for a 2024 county highway culvert grant which, if awarded, would cover 50 percent of costs in a nearly $22,000 culvert project on Lake Mildred Road.
Trevor Greene may be reached via email at [email protected].
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