July 21, 2023 at 5:50 a.m.
Fish Like a GIRL
We all know the saying about things we do not forget how to do, “it is just like riding a bike.” To which I normally answer, “once you fall off, you always fall off.” But luckily that was not the case with my recent adventure. Truth be told, I had not been on a bicycle for over 15 years at least. But as we get older and realize our somewhat sedentary lifestyle is not in our best interest, I think most of us look for ways to stay more active.
I feel like I am fairly active. I fish. I garden. I do yard work. I walk (although not as much as I should). I snowshoe here and there (again, not as much as I should or would like to). I do some mild hiking here and there. But the reality of being a writer for a living is long hours spent at a keyboard and sometimes sitting in meetings.
With all of that said, I recently decided to get another bicycle. I am not sure why I gravitated toward it, but it seemed like the thing to do. I looked around at used bikes for several days before finding one I liked. I looked at the “vintage look” bikes — but that reminded me too much of “The Wizard of Oz.” I even thought about one of those trikes with the basket on the back — but only briefly. That may be in my future at some point, but it seemed “too old looking” for me at this stage.
I happened across a cool looking mountain bike, which was really the style I was looking for. I wanted something I could ride anywhere my adventures might take me. I found a guy in Mosinee who rebuilds and restores bikes. He had this one listed for an incredibly minimal price, just enough to cover his time to go through it and make any needed repairs, I am sure.
When I got to his house to look at the bike, he had 15-20 more sitting there. He was just loading up all of his parts and pieces to take to a swap meet. We talked a bit and he said he had never met a female bass angler before, which made me giggle. Needless to say, after a spin up and down the road, I was on my way back home with my new-to-me mountain bike!
Not having been on a bike in years, I am obviously taking it easy to get this adventure started, but it did not take long to feel comfortable once again on a bike. I have been cruising around the neighborhood and just getting used to riding and shifting and all of those basics once again.
Once I got that down, I started on some basic skills for beginners. Things such as finding the center of the bike to shift my weight while riding, getting used to loading and unloading the suspension of the bike came up on that list. Am I ready for a crazy mountain biking trail? Definitely not, but I am getting out and getting some exercise. I do have to say, this 21-speed is much faster than I remember my old 10-speed being back in the day.
It has been a lot of fun so far.
There is something about being out on a bike and just taking time to look around. It is different than walking, as the sights go by much faster, and it is definitely a far cry from being in a vehicle. There is something special about it, and something that I guess I missed. I have seen a variety of wildlife I would imagine I would not have otherwise seen, and that makes it all the more worthwhile to be out getting some exercise. As time goes on I am sure I will venture farther and farther and spend more time in the woods and on the trails rather than in the more populated environments. I would love to get out on the paved bike trails in Vilas County this fall and experience the sounds and colors of the season. That is my goal and what I am working toward.
I know some people are somewhat “on the fence” about getting a bike and wondering whether or not they will use it enough to justify the cost. That is one of the reasons I went with a used, refurbished bike. Honestly, it cost less than a dinner out in many places. And I believe the health benefits alone will be worth it. Challenging oneself is never a bad thing, and I can see this sport can be as challenging, or as chill, as a person wants to make it.
For those of you who have already taken the plunge, I look forward to seeing you on the trails by this fall!
Beckie Gaskill may be reached at [email protected] or [email protected].
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