April 24, 2023 at 11:58 a.m.
Wake boats, AIS among highlights of upcoming lake meeting
The annual Northwoods Six-County Lakes Meeting will also include an overview of water-resource-related policy issues at the state level, and exhibits from area educational and nonprofit organizations, organizers said in a press release.
Attendees are expected from Oneida, Vilas, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, and Iron counties.
More information will follow as the agenda is finalized and speakers are confirmed. The event is jointly sponsored by the Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Association (www.oclra.org) and the Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association (www.vclra.org).
For more information, contact Ted Rulseh at 920-242-8671 ([email protected]) or Tom Ewing, 630-985-8472 ([email protected]).
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