April 20, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
Rhinelander High School students collect coins for charity
The challenge is to donate coins to earn your class period points.
The class with the most points after five days wins.
The event has been going on for nine years and is sponsored by the RHS FBLA/DECA Club.
According to a school district press release, the proceeds will be split between the March of Dimes and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (FBLA and DECA's national charities).
This year's winners were Mr. Kubeny's 8th hour Accounting II class.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and DECA are both national organizations that Rhinelander High School has combined into one club. The club's focuses are on building business skills, giving new opportunities to students, competition, and serving the Rhinelander community and other charities. For more information about either of the two groups, visit the local chapter's web page: http://rhsfbladeca.weebly.com/.
If you are interested in learning about ways you can support the RHS FBLA/DECA chapter or would like more information, contact the advisor Mischell Fryar at the high school.
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