April 13, 2023 at 11:28 a.m.
Comments on proposed wolf management plan are now available online
In total, the DNR received around 3,500 comments. Commenters used multiple channels to submit their comments, including an online public comment tool, email and mail. The comments have been compiled and grouped by submission type and the order they were received.
The DNR attempted to redact all personal contact information and any inappropriate language within the comments, but the comments are otherwise provided verbatim as they were submitted, the release states.
The DNR is reviewing the comments and will use them to consider revisions to the proposed Wolf Management Plan. Once ready, the final plan will be presented to the Natural Resources Board.
The public can view the comments through the Wolf Management Plan webpage, and see a timeline of the process so far. Additionally, the public is encouraged to subscribe to the Wolf Management Plan mailing list to receive updates on the plan's progress.
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