April 6, 2023 at 3:17 p.m.

River News: Our View

The CDC: Paid-off porn star of the public health establishment

Not long ago we wrote about a new meta-study by Cochrane, the gold standard of medical peer-reviewed data (as even The New York Times acknowledges) concluding that face masks are essentially useless in preventing the spread of infectious viruses, unless you are using a respirator-type covering.

It's just the latest evidence to expose the folly of masking, but this latest scientific salvo did nothing to deter the politicians and bureaucrats at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who continued to wear their own partisan masks even as Rome crumbled all around them.

And so it was that CDC director Rochelle Walensky made her way to Capitol Hill and, when asked whether the agency would change its advice based on the Cochrane review, she said emphatically, "not at all," because, you know, "masking guidance doesn't really change with time."

This statement was astonishing on several levels. For one thing, Walensky was saying the agency would not change its view on masking no matter what the science produced. So if new scientific evidence comes along, well, no thank you, we'll just go with what we've got. It's outdated but cute.

The second thing is, her statement is a bald-faced lie. The CDC's masking guidance changed with time. In fact, the agency's guidance changed big-time when the COVID pandemic came along and, for the first time in its history, the CDC recommended masking.

For decades prior to that, the CDC and the World Health Organization, not to mention the nation's pandemic preparedness plans, all discouraged the use of masks, saying "routine mask use in public should be permitted, but not required."

In other words, if you want to wear one, go ahead, but we don't think they are effective.

But it's not just with masks that the CDC plays this dangerous game. They do so, for example, with the mRNA vaccines as they continue to promote them as "safe and effective" despite mounting evidence of serious adverse events, including high numbers of sudden deaths in otherwise healthy younger men.

Author Edward Dowd, who wrote "Cause Unknown, the Epidemic of Sudden Death," has reported that in 2021, group life insurance policyholders, who are typically healthier than the general population, experienced mortality spikes of 40%.

Dowd describes the situation as a "large global murder scene," but, to Walensky & Company, it's just a big, safe and effective funhouse, never mind the bouncing bodies inside it.

And then there is autism. The latest CDC figures indicate that 1 in 36 eight-year-olds in 2020 had a specific autism diagnosis. That's up from 1 in 44 in the previous reporting period, up from 1 in 59 in 2014, up from 1 in 88 in 2008, up from 1 in 150 in 2000, and up from 1 in 10,000 in 1970.

But there is no epidemic, the CDC assures us. There is no cause for alarm. Nothing has really changed. There aren't any more children with autism than there have ever been, it's just better diagnosis and awareness.

What malarkey, and we all know it. As we have written before, that explanation could hold when 1 in 10,000 children was afflicted 50 years ago and few people, even in the medical profession, knew what autism was. Now we're 50 years past that point, it's been headlines for doctors for years, and we are expected to believe that 2.8% of our children - the highest number ever at 1 in 36 - and 4% of all boys is just "better diagnosis."

Here's how the CDC explains it in its latest report:

"[The rise in ASD numbers] has 'largely been interpreted as improvements in more equitable identification of (autism spectrum disorder), particularly for children in groups that have less access or face greater barriers in obtaining services.'"

Observing that diagnosis was more common among Asian, Black and Hispanic children than it was among white children, CDC researchers said the shift reflects "improved screening, awareness, and access to services among historically underserved groups." In other words, diagnosis in poor and underserved communities was lagging; it is now catching up and, voila, there you have your increase.

Not that more work isn't needed, the CDC stated: "The continued increase among children identified with ASD, particularly among non-White children and girls, highlights the need for enhanced infrastructure to provide equitable diagnostic, treatment, and support services for all children with ASD."

Ah, poor idiots. There is a logical flaw in that equitable thinking, as Dr. Cynthia Nevison pointed out in a piece for Children's Health Defense:

"The media went so far as to imply that the overall increased rate of ASD was hopeful news because it indicated that Blacks were 'catching up' to whites and achieving diagnostic equity - the hope being that their diagnosis would afford them earlier and better access to services. The apparent underlying assumption was that there is a natural genetic level of ASD in the population, which is reflected in white prevalence, and that all races and ethnicities will eventually stabilize at that level thanks to improved outreach and screening."

Problem is, Nevison observed, the prevalence of ASD is now lower among white children than among other racial and ethnic groups, which now must mean that diagnosis in those underserved communities has leaped beyond that of white children, "effectively turn[ing] the equity argument on its head."

So now it's whites who are underserved and must catch up. Either that or there are genetic differentials between the races, which is a place where the government rightly doesn't want to go, or - and this is the answer - there is no magic "better diagnosis" pill.

For 20 years, doctors in these monitoring sites have been on a hawk-like watch for autism. The government has poured in millions and millions of dollars to boost awareness among health care and education professionals. Remember that the CDC numbers come from official diagnoses, so it's just implausible that it's all better diagnosis. The government's narrative makes no sense, though to sustain an argument that it's all genetic and all about better diagnosis, they must cling to it.

What's more, even it were true, it still does not explain a five-fold increase in children with autism without intellectual disabilities, nor the nearly 14% increase in autism diagnosis in non-Hispanic white children in a period of two years. The poignant point is that autism continues to increase in all population groups at an unacceptable rate, a fact that demolishes the better diagnosis argument.

And if those rates are now rising faster in underserved black and other minority groups, it's because those groups are being poisoned faster than the rest of the population.

This is what the CDC and their patrons in the corporate media, pharmaceutical companies, and the chemical industry don't want you to know. It's all genetic anyway, they say - to deflect attention away from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries - and it's always been there, just no one saw it.

Thus there's no need for investigation. There's no need to address environmental triggers - vaccines, pesticides, household cleaners, processed foods, cosmetics, you name it - because there are none.

But there are many, and the CDC refuses to investigate because of regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry, most of all, and the failure to properly test vaccines, or to properly adjudge what vaccines children actually need.

To cite just one example, no one doubts the value of a measles vaccine. But why must it be delivered in a three-dose shot of live viruses, along with mumps and rubella, when mumps can be effectively delayed until later. Why not a single-shot measles dose?

Money is the answer.

One day, when all the evidence against these monsters is gathered together, we can see the CDC for what it is, as Mary Holland, the president of Children's Health Defense, puts it:

"These new data - that 4% of boys and 1% of girls at age 8 have an autism spectrum disorder - are a profound indictment of the CDC," Holland said. "It is willful blindness to knowingly and intentionally look away from the true causes of autism for over twenty years - during which time the rates have risen above 300% - is nothing short of criminal. The country and the world desperately need new leadership to defend children's health."

Desperately, indeed.

We also need a grand jury empaneled to criminally investigate the bureaucrats at the CDC, and the sooner, the better. We hope the GOP House will move immediately to undertake an investigation that could lead to such a grand jury.

After all, Donald Trump was just indicted for paying hush money to a porn star and covering it up.

So when a federal agency receives billions of dollars to cover up pandemic misdeeds as well as a tragic autism epidemic, when it willingly defies science and lies, despite millions of lives in the balance and millions of lives already injured, when does that hush money become a crime, both for those who pay it and those who take it?

It's a shame when we have to say that the CDC is public health's version of a paid-off porn star. Sadder still when you realize that the real-life porn star no doubt has more integrity than those public officials.


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