January 31, 2022 at 1:52 p.m.

Putin's stooges

Putin's stooges
Putin's stooges

President Joe Biden held another catastrophic press conference last month during which he blundered his way toward another foreign policy catastrophe, after which he then had a catastrophic melt down with Fox's Peter Doocy, after which he just gave up and went for an ice cream cone - two scoops.

Meanwhile, over in Russia, Vladimir Putin was having three scoops of stooge. Maybe more. Let us count the ways.

Just as background, we can't help but mention that the debacle in Afghanistan last year - a monstrous display of incompetence by the Biden administration - helped set the stage for Ukraine. Why wouldn't Putin believe he could get away with anything, even if the U.S. tried to retaliate for an invasion of Ukraine?

For that matter, why wouldn't China believe it couldn't invade Taiwan? But we digress.

Not that Putin has to count on the administration's incompetence, since Biden said at his press conference that he would tolerate a "minor incursion."

Hey, just come on in, but keep the invasion small! Jen Psaki, the Ms. Clean of the White House, had to come in and mop up that mess.

Later, while eating his ice cream, Biden sounded a tougher tone. He told reporters he wouldn't hesitate to impose heavy-duty sanctions, just like Obama did after Russia annexed Crimea.

I'm sure that had Putin quivering, especially since Obama's sanctions had absolutely no effect on Russia.

America's Moe, Larry, and Curly wrapped into one also showed who was boss when he put 8,500 American troops on alert, as if they could overwhelm in an instant the 100,000 troops Putin has along the Ukrainian border.

They were preparing for a minor incursion no doubt, but the alert probably did make Putin chuckle a bit. This was good for us because introducing comedy into a tense situation calms everyone's nerves.

By the end of that week, the president was preparing to evacuate yet another embassy, the one in Kyiv, and had already ordered family members in the embassy to leave. This was not a vote of confidence in the outcome, so sorry Ukraine. Under Biden, America knows how to cut and run from its embassies, even if we do have to leave behind personnel in the field.

Not that fighting a war in the Ukraine would be in the U.S. interests. In fact, we should not involve ourselves in any war precisely because we don't have any vital interests there. Rather, our vital interests are closer to home; actually, our vital interests are at home. Instead of worrying about Ukraine's borders, the president should worry about ours.

Or, as Arizona Republican congressman Paul Gosar said: "We have no dog in the Ukraine fight. Not one American soldier should die there, and not one American bullet should be fired there."

Of course, everybody wants to know just why Putin is amassing those troops on the border and why he would want to invade Ukraine anyway. According to the corporate-military establishment and an assortment of neoconservatives, the answer is obvious: Putin is a power hungry imperialist who wants to restore Russian hegemony over eastern Europe. He is an existential threat to all of us.

In this worldview, he has no legitimate reason to invade Ukraine with 100,000 troops, you know, not like we did when we invaded Iraq with more than 100,000 American troops looking for-wink, wink-weapons of mass destruction.

(No, seriously, Dick Cheney told us they were there. Thank goodness he's in Biden's inner circle now.)

Perhaps Putin is a power-hungry imperialist, but one thing the mainstream press has not really reported on much at all is our and western Europe's drive - pushed by, um, the corporate-military establishment and an assortment of neoconservatives - to get the corrupt little Ukraine into NATO, which freaks Russia out. Word has leaked out that NATO has planned joint military exercises in the country and are planning for military training centers and maybe even weapons systems to be placed there.

It's reasonable to consider this at least plausible intel because, in the past four years alone, the corporate-military establishment has pumped $4 billion of armaments into Ukraine - at a nice profit for them and a higher tax bill for us.

Just imagine how we would react if Russia were to try and establish military bases and place weapons systems in a country like Cuba, right off our coast. Oh wait.

Meanwhile, the president who was supposed to be tough on Russia after the last president turned out to be a Russian agent (at least in the liberal mindset) has actually helped enrich Putin so that he has buckets of cash to play war with.

First, Biden destroyed the energy independence that Trump actually established by killing the Keystone and other oil and gas pipelines and slamming the brakes on fracking. Naturally, though Democrats were surprised, this drove up energy prices and sent Biden to OPEC for a handout in the form of more oil production.

OPEC told Biden to take a hike, driving oil prices and Russian revenues even higher.

Then, after that catastrophe, Biden turned around and approved the Nord Stream 2 pipeline connecting Russian gas fields to Europe, giving Putin access to new revenue streams after Trump had imposed sanctions on any firm that helped to finish the pipeline.

The bottom line is, if Trump was a Russian agent, he was a very poor one, but Biden has turned out be a very effective stooge for Putin. And China, looming over Taiwan, must be watching this theatre of the absurd with as much glee as Putin.

All of this comes at a time when Joe Biden's cognitive difficulties are becoming ever more obvious. His temper tantrums with reporters are the latest example, as are his long breaks for ice cream cones in the middle of the afternoon.

Unlike Democrats, we don't pretend that calling a reporter stupid is an attack on a free press. It's just a temper tantrum in the rough-and-tumble world of politics. What's concerning is that the loss of temper is occurring more frequently and without any obvious provocation for such a response. It begs the question of the president's ability to perform his constitutional duties.

We are not on that crisis stage yet, but it's hard too see how the president makes it nearly three more years if his decline remains this rapid.

Meanwhile, while he eats ice cream and calls reporters names, the neocons and the corporate military are off leash, Dick Cheney is back on the ranch, and over at the Pentagon all they are worried about are pronouns.

At the same time, the American media makes Putin out to be an evil genius who is pulling puppet strings around the world. We don't know whether he's pulling any strings, but we know he doesn't have to.

The stooges in the Biden regime are giving him everything he wants all by themselves.


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