February 14, 2020 at 4:36 p.m.
The students played Find the Number on a 100s chart. After many numbers were colored in, the students noticed a huge number 100 on the chart! With a partner, the students also solved a 100 chart puzzles. In art class, students also created a necklace that contained 100 Fruit Loops. To make the necklace, the youngsters organized 10 groups of 10 Fruit Loops on a large paper. After they counted the groups of cereal by 10s, they put each piece onto a string.
The students also designed a portrait of themselves at 100 years old using cotton balls, designer cardstock and colored sequins. Many portraits contained white hair and glasses. Along with the rest of the student body, many students designed T-shirts that contained 100 items. Many students glued buttons, wiggle eyes, stickers and paper clips onto their shirt for the celebration.
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