March 14, 2018 at 4:13 p.m.
An extra (extra) special show
Rhinelander Figure Skating Club to hold annual spring performance this weekend
By Kayla Thomason-
This year's show, titled "Extra! Extra! Skate All About It," will be held Friday through Sunday at the Rhinelander Ice Arena.
The 90-minute performance will feature the 29 club members who range from elementary school students to high school seniors.
There are four seniors in the club and in June they presented show theme ideas to the board who picked the final theme, based on a newspaper.
"A whole bunch of us seniors got together and we were coming up with ideas for the show theme this year and someone mentioned the newspaper," said Cami Buchmann, one of the seniors. "We're like 'That's a lot of varieties, we can do a lot of things, that would be a great theme to skate to,' and it sort of developed from there."
"Then all of the skaters and families suggest songs to fit the theme," said Cathy Brunette, secretary of the Rhinelander Figure Skating Club. "In December the groups for each number are determined and the music for each group is selected from the suggested songs."
In early January the costume committee started picking out costumes for the groups and the skaters in the club started practicing for the show the first week of February twice a week.
The opening and closing acts of the show will showcase all of the members of he club - from the Learn to Skate class through the advanced class.
"Each group performs skills that they have learned at their skating level," Brunette explained. "The higher the level the more difficult the skills are."
By the evening of the show everyone will be excited and some a bit nervous, with everyone in costume and ready to perform for the crowd. However, for some skaters, this is an emotional performance as it will be their last.
Caitlin Harris, a senior who has been skating for nine years, said she is getting nervous now that the performance is nearly here and admits her last one will be bittersweet.
"For four of us this is the last show we'll perform in as skaters, some of us may be here next year as coaches. It's a little tear-jerking but exciting," she said. "I think it's definitely an exciting time, it's going by really quick, coming up suddenly but there are always tons of laughs, inside jokes made, just good memories made every single year."
"I'm really excited, not only for the seniors to show off our skills, but the kids have been working so hard," added senior Shandi Peitsch. "This is probably one of the best shows we've put on."
Buchmann agrees.
"I think everyone should come down. It's a family-friendly event," she said.
Being a senior with all this experience, Harris has been able to assist the younger skaters, and she has enjoyed watching them grow as skaters.
"I've really enjoyed working with some of the younger skaters because when you're coaching them and working with them you're able to see them grow and improve," she said.
The weekend gets underway with 9 a.m. performance on Friday, with all seats being $3. The two main performances will take place at 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Adult admission is $7, children under 12 are $3 and children under 2 are free.
Peitsch said she enjoys showing the public what everyone has learned.
"I love getting to show the public what we've learned and what we've taught the kids how to do and showing everyone what skating really is here in the Northwoods," she said.
She encourages people who are interested in skating to come and check out the show, attend open skating nights. Any age can learn.
Kayla Breese may be reached at
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